Thursday, 2 August 2012

Nail How-to : Choosing nail polish remover

Hi Everyone!!!

Today I'm going to talk about how to choose nail polish remover

I know there are thousands of nail polish remover in the market but actually how to choose the right one for you. Today I have pick some commonly found nail polish removerand, so we take a look at the ingredients and see which one suits you.

What we found in the market:

So basically there are 3 main types of nail polish remover in the market
1) Acetone nail polish remover
eg. Cutex (center)

2) Acetone - FREE nail polish remover
eg. Superdrug (left), Honeybee Garden (right)

3) Oil base nail polish remover

I am going to compare Acetone and Acetone-FREE nail polish remover this time. As this two is the easiest to find and you can get it in the near by supermarket or drugstore. Oil base nail polish remover will be much difficult to get, you can get it either in Professional nail salon or order online. ^^

But before we go into detail some basic concept you might need to know...

How nail polish remover works!?

Did you ever questions about what is inside a bottle of nail polish? Well it can be very harmful and sad knowing the truth but I would say most of the nail polish is a potion of poison... :P

Nail polish got mainly 3 agent as basic. Coloring agent, Thickening agent & Solvent.
Solvent plays a very important role in nail polish as it mix and combine the other two. Making it a very liquidly consistence that can glide on really smoothly on your nail, it evaporate while you open it and that is how those funky kind of chemical smell you can breath in the air while applying nail polishes. It evaporate so it dries and stay on your nail.

So how is that related to the nail polish remover!?

Well, please take a good look at the ingredient list at the back of each nail polish remover bottle. You could easily find Acetone / Ethyl Acetate / ???? Acetate. All this are solvent of different efficiency. Some are stronger, some are not, but they work basically the same, to mix in with nail polish on your nail, dilute it so you can easily remove by a cotton pad.

Okay... you probably know how it works, so how to choose!?
Let me show you the pros and cons of the two main type of nail polish remover in the market.

Acetone nail polish remover

Turn around and see the ingredient label...
You should be able to find ACETONE in the very first line~!?

1) Fast & efficient (can remove even stubborn glitter nail polishes)

1) Strong chemical scent
2) Hash to your skin & nail 

Acetone- FREE nail polish remover
You should be able to find ETHYL ACETATE / ???? ACETATE in the first line~!?

1) Gentle to skin
2) Mild scent

1) Take a bit longer time
2) Not powerful enough to remove glitter nail polishes

My pick...

Well I think I am going to keep both at home.

Since you know me, I really HATE glitter nail polish... they are crazy difficult to take off. However in case I do wear them I really need Acetone-base nail polish remover to remove it., Acetone-FREE nail polisher remover will take ages to remove those stubborn glitter.

But for regular basis, I am going to go for Acetone-FREE nail polish remover, as they are gentle and just simply does the job. ^^


Hope you like this nail how-to video &
Hopefully can help you out when choosing the right nail polish~ ^^

Thank you for watching. XO

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Will see you guys in my next blogpost.


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